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Baseball Gear Bags
Baseball Gear Bags come in all shapes and sizes. They have different styles as well. The two best styles out there are Bat Packs and Wheel bags. Both of these bags are great for all players as they don't put any added stress on your shoulder or upper and lower back after a long game. These two styles of bags are perfect to avoid any unnecessary aches and pains. These bags are all perfect for after all after game walks back to the parking lot. Both these bags are combating against the classic duffel bag set for baseball. The duffel bags are put over your shoulder and you have to carry the full weight of your gear, bats, and maybe even cleats. Also, these bags can lead to aches and pains in your shoulders and backs due to the extra stress. Everyone has the experience of torture from duffel bags.
Bat Packs
To start, Bat Packs. Bat Packs are the ideal baseball gear bags as they fit all of your equipment. This is unless you are a catcher. It is impossible to get leg guards and a second helmet in a bag of that size. But, for almost all position players and pitchers, this bag is perfect. It has more than enough size for your glove or gloves, helmet, bat, and any other items you have. The bat pack is the same style as a backpack as it goes over both shoulders and sits on your back. It is great for after games as the weight is balanced on your shoulders and you don't have the stress on one. This keeps you from having shoulder and back aches. Bat packs are currently the most popular style of baseball gear bags.
Wheel Bags
Lastly, Wheel bags. These bags are perfect for catchers or any players that have too much gear to stuff in their bat packs. Wheel bags have a ton of space. You are able to store a lot gloves, bats, helmets, and more. Most have a protective case or pocket for you to store any valuables such as phones and jewelry. These bags are also great for players who have a lot of bats. If you play in a metal bat league and a wood bat league, chances are you have three or four bats. Most bat packs don't have enough storage for all these bats. So, a wheel bag has about four to six, so you have plenty of space for bats. And, instead of putting the weight on your shoulders, you can just wheel these bags back to the lot with no hassle. These are great baseball gear bags for players with a lot to transport.-
All Star BB2 Pro Deluxe Catchers Bag
All Star BB2 Pro Deluxe Catchers Bag The All Star BB2 Pro Deluxe Catchers Bag comes ideal for the catcher or used as a team bag. This catcher or team equipment bag features five interior compartmen...Regular price $99.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
All Star BB1 Pro Catchers Bag
Allstar BB1 Pro Catchers Bag The All Star BB1 Pro Catchers Bag is all about storage. This large duffle bag is perfect as a catchers bag. The large 6480 cubic inch capacity will hold all the gear yo...Regular price $79.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Evoshield Game Day Duffle Bag
Evoshield Game Day Duffle Bag If you are a player heading out to the bullpen this season, you better take this Evoshield Game Day duffle bag with you. It is easy to carry from location to location...Regular price $94.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Mizuno Samurai Catchers Bag 24
Mizuno Samurai Catchers Bag 24 The Mizuno Samurai Catchers Bag 24 is built for the serious ballplayer. The bag is every catchers dream because of a lightweight construction. This makes it easy to l...Regular price $169.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per$169.95 USDSale price $169.95 USD -
All Star BB3RB Pro Catchers Roller Bag
All Star BB3RB Pro Catchers Roller Bag The position of catcher is by far the most demanding on a baseball or softball team. Keeping your equipment in top condition is also demanding. So this season...Regular price $179.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Evoshield Tone Set Backpack
Evoshield Tone Set Backpack The EvoshieldTone Set Backpack is an all in one bag that will let you go from game to game without any hassle. Everything you need can fit in this excellent bag. This ba...Regular price $89.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Easton Dugout Wheeled Bag
Easton Dugout Wheeled Bag The Easton Dugout wheeled bag is an essential piece of equipment. It is built like a hybrid of a traditional position player bag and catchers bag. The bag is designed to h...Regular price $149.99 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Rawlings Covert Duffle Bag COVERT
Rawlings Covert Duffle Bag COVERT Features: The Rawlings Covert Duffle Bag COVERT is a durable equipment bag perfect for any baseball player, softball player or coach. This bag features multiple, l...Regular price $52.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per$59.95 USDSale price $52.95 USDSale -
Easton E310D Player Duffle Bag
Easton E310D Player Duffle Bat Bag: The Easton E310D Player Duffle Bat Bag is a unique alternative to the traditional bag. Even if you own a regular bag, this equipment storer certainly helps secur...Regular price $41.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Marucci Pro Utility Duffel Bag
Marucci Pro Utility Duffel Bag The Marucci Pro duffel bag is one of the best baseball equipment bags on the market today. A baseball duffel bag is one of the classics look of the game. The duffel b...Regular price $79.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Demarini Special Ops Front Line V2 Wheeled Bag
Demarini Special Ops Front Line V2 Wheeled Bag The Demarini Special Ops Front Line V2 Wheeled Bag is built to easily accommodate all of your equipment needs. For players that treat every season lik...Regular price $229.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per$249.95 USDSale price $229.95 USDSale -
Evoshield Stonewall Wheeled Bag 2.0
Evoshield Stonewall Wheeled Bag 2.0 The new Evoshield Stonewall catchers bag WTV9400 is one of the best equipment bags choices on the market today for catchers. The bag is spacious enough to meet a...Regular price $209.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Rawlings Hybrid Backpack Duffel Bag MACHDB
Rawlings Hybrid Backpack Duffel Bag MACHDB The Rawlings Hybrid Backpack Duffel Bag MACHDB is a great bag as it is has a ton of awesome features. Because of how they make this bag, you will never lo...Regular price $79.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Rawlings Wheeled Catchers Bag YADI2WHBG
Rawlings Wheeled Catchers Bag YADI2WHBG The Rawlings Wheeled Catchers Bag YADI2WHBG is big enough to carry all of the equipment catchers use. Yet, it also is manageable and easy to use. This Wheele...Regular price $199.99 USDRegular priceUnit price / per$129.95 USDSale price $199.99 USD -
Marucci Team Utility Duffel Bag
Marucci Team Utility Duffel Bag The Marucci Hybrid duffel bag is one of the best baseball equipment bags on the market today. A baseball duffel bag is one of the classics look of the game. Just lik...Regular price $69.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Mizuno All Sport Duffle 23
Mizuno All Sport Duffle 23 2 Bat Sleeves Vented Footwear Storage Multiple Storage Compartments Fleece-lined Front Zip Valuables Pocket Padded, Adjustable Shoulder Straps Water Resistant PU Coated...Regular price $59.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per$69.95 USDSale price $59.95 USDSale -
Sold out
Rawlings Wheeled Catchers Bag R1502*
Rawlings Wheeled Catchers Bag R1502* The Rawlings Wheeled Catchers Bag is a versatile bag perfect for catchers, umpires or players with a lot of gear. This Rawlings catchers equipment bag contain...Regular price $189.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / persold out
Sold out -
Evoshield Tone Set Players Duffle Bag
Evoshield Tone Set Players Duffle Bag Large Main Compartment: Roomy enough for all your essentials, including your glove, helmet, shoes and extras.; Fleece Lined Valuables Pocket: A luxe, fleece-l...Regular price $78.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Rawlings Workhorse Wheeled Catchers Bag WHWB23
Rawlings Workhorse Wheeled Catchers Bag WHWB23 Look who is back - The Rawlings Workhorse Wheeled Catchers Bag. The Workhorse bag was and is one of the best catchers bags on the market. This Rawling...Regular price $109.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per$129.95 USDSale price $109.95 USDSale -
Evoshield SRZ-1 Backpack
Evoshield SRZ-1 Backpack Evoshield Backpack Main compartment holds youth glove, helmet, and additional gear Two mesh bat sleeves that can double as water bottle slots Front valuables pocket T...Regular price $54.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per$64.95 USDSale price $54.95 USDSale -
Evoshield Takeover Wheeled Bag
Evoshield Takeover Wheeled Bag The new Evoshield Takeover wheeled bag is one of the best equipment bags choices on the market today. The bag is spacious enough to meet all of a players demanding eq...Regular price $169.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Demarini Spectre V2 Wheeled Bag
Demarini Spectre V2 Wheeled Bag The new Demarini Spectre V2 wheeled bag has a lot to offer for players looking for the ultimate equipment bag. The ultimate organizer, this equipment bag keeps all y...Regular price $314.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per -
Mizuno Player OG5 Duffle Bag
Mizuno Player OG5 Duffle Bag 470174 The Mizuno Player OG5 Duffle Bag 470174 is a bag that will make you turn people’s heads when you walk past. This comes from the extremely stylish bag. Duffle bag...Regular price $41.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per$41.95 USDSale price $41.95 USD -
Evoshield Training Duffle Bag
Evoshield Training Duffle Bag Large main compartment Main compartment fits helmet, gloves, and additional gear Shoulder strap with swivel clips Fleeced Lined Valuables Pocket Vented Shoe Compartme...Regular price $74.95 USDRegular priceUnit price / per