White Catchers Gear:
White Catchers Gear is supplied by all the top brands. Mizuno, Easton, All Star, Wilson, etcetera. The appeal of a white set comes from its slick look. Especially upon arrival. But the key is to invest in a set that not only features the premier essential like a helmet, chest protector, and leg guards. It must also have strong, washable material, to override the numerous stains a white set is bound to collect.
However, do not let this deter you. A white catchers gear set will stand out over any other. And because of its profile, it will motivate you to maintain it more than you would with a blander set. A white catchers set, in effect, can teach a young player the virtue of responsibility from the onset. Don't just throw your gear all around the dugout and then shove it into your bag when you are leaving the field. Treat your gear with care by cleaning it when you get home. That way, you can display a set at the start of every game that looks almost exactly like it did when it first arrived.
Specific Catcher Gear Features:
In terms of what to expect fundamentally with a White Catchers Gear set, you will obviously find all the same attributes that fulfill a different colored set's three main components. In using the Wilson C1K™ Catcher's Gear set as an exampe, these include:
• Glossy finish
• Removable moisture wicking chin pad
• Adjustable straps for custom fit
• Meets NOCSAE protection standard
Chest Protector
• High density foam padding for ultimate comfort and protection
• Removable shoulder caps for increased mobility
• Over-the-shoulder adjustable harness
• Precision, angled pad design to help block the ball straight down
Leg Guards
• Inner knee pad protects knees, removable for washing
• Overlapping thigh pieces for maximum protection
• Lightweight premium grade ABS plastic
• Adjustable metal buckles for easy on/off and snug fit
Built for durability, sturdiness, and with the MLB® Pro style and feel in mind, the White Catchers Gear sets that resemble the one documented above are a resilient collection of protective equipment. Thus, it will keep you safe and standing out among the rest all season long. So buy yours today and you will never go wrong.