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Frequently Asked Questions About Our Umpire Gear and Equipment

Getting the most information you can before you choose your Umpire gear will help you select the best models for your needs.

Which Brand Makes the Best Umpire Gear?

We carry Wilson and Allstar umpire gear. They both produce high quality umpire equipment. Both brands are known for their comfort and protection. Both of these attributes are the most important for an umpire.

Do I Have to Buy the Mask, Leg Guards, and Chest Protector Separately?

We do carry the All Star Umpire Starter Kit which includes everything an umpire needs to get behind home plate. Outside of going with the Allstar starter kit, you will need to purchase the pieces separately.

Should I use a Traditional Mask or a Hockey Style Mask?

That is a matter of preference.  The hockey style mask does provide more protection, but the traditional mask is a cooler option.  So, if you are doing youth leagues in the dog days of summer, you may prefer the traditional mask while if you are doing high level High School or College leagues,  you may want the extra protection of the hockey style mask.