Sliding Shorts
Sliding Shorts
Sliding Shorts are an essential piece of equipment to anyones game. They are especially important for catchers. Every player should invest in sliding shorts as they prevent cuts, burns and bruises from forming when sliding into bases. But, they go so much further. They now come with protection on the side. This helps prevent injury, if you get hit by a pitch in the leg. Any additional padding is helpful when trying to avoid injury. There are a large variety of models for both baseball and softball players. Also, if you are a catcher in the game of baseball you will need to buy a cup. Cups are very important. A cup is a necessary piece of protective equipment for catchers. A cup is the last line of defense before a world of pain comes your way. Sliding shorts do a lot more these days. They aren't just for sliding. These shorts must be elastic as they need to move just as freely as you do. Most pairs utilize spandex to keep them secure on the legs. If they don't cover the thigh, they can't do their job. So be sure to be selective when choosing your sliding shorts. Check out our huge selection at Baseball Bargains.